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Titivillus Editing for the Health Sciences

Preparing Ideas and Research Results for Publication

Timothy DeVinney, Author's Editor and Copy Editor
Titivillus Editorial Services

Procedure: Summary of Some Journal and Publisher Guidelines for Preparing Illustrations and Figures


Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy (Springer)
Cognitive Brain Research (Elsevier)
Experimental Brain Research (Springer)
Journal of Neuroscience
Nature Neuroscience (Nature)
Neurosurgical Review (Springer)
Psychopharmacology (Springer)

  1. strictly speaking, "dpi" (dots per inch) should be used only for resolution of images printed on paper, and the correct unit for digital images is "ppi" (pixels per inch). But "dpi" is used by most publishers in their guidelines, so it is retained here.
  2. "bitmap" is used by some to refer to black-and-white (1-bit) images only; while others use it to refer to raster graphics (i.e., images made up of dots). Springer journals tend to refer to raster graphics simply as "halftones."

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy (Springer)

Figure formats: TIF, EPS, JPG, PPT
Image size
  one column: 8.6 cm
  page width: 17.6 cm
  label size: 2 mm high
Resolution and color space
  color: not specified
  grayscale: not specified
  line art: not specified
Notes: do not submit line art in Word document file

Source: http://www.springer.com/
Accessed January 8, 2006 (Source date: not specified)

Cognitive Brain Research (Elsevier)

Figure formats: TIFF (recommended for "bitmap" images), PDF, and EPS (recommended for vector graphics); Microsoft Office (DOC, EXL, PPT) files also accepted
Image size
  one column: not specified
  two columns: not specified
Resolution and color space
  color: 300 dpi, RGB
  grayscale: 300 dpi
  line art: 1,000 dpi (line weights 0.35-1.5 pt)
  combined (line/tone): 500 dpi
Notes: always include/embed fonts and use only Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Times, or Symbol fonts.

Sources: http://authors.elsevier.com/ and http://cadmusknowledgeworks.com/da/index.asp
Accessed August 28, 2005 (Source date: not specified)

Experimental Brain Research (Springer)

Figure formats: EPS for line art, TIFF for halftones (raster graphics)
Image size
  one column: 8.6 cm
  one and one-half columns: 13.1 cm
  two columns: 17.6 cm
  maximum height: 23.6 cm
Resolution and color space
  color: 300 dpi, RGB (8 bits per channel)
  grayscale: 300 dpi
  line art: scanned 800 dpi (minimum line width 0.2 mm)
Notes: maximum figure size is 2,000x2,000 pixels; fonts in vector graphics must be embedded

Source: http://www.springer.com/
Accessed January 8, 2006 (Source date: not specified)

Journal of Neuroscience

Figure formats:
Image size
  one column: 8.8 cm
  one and one-half columns: 10.6 cm to 13.1 cm (use for multipanel figures)
  two columns: 14.8 cm to 18.4 cm
  vertical maximum: 22 cm
Resolution and color space
  color: 300 dpi, RGB
  grayscale: 300 dpi
  line art: 1,000 dpi (line weights 0.35-1.5 pt)
  combined (line/tone): 500 dpi
Notes: Illustrations must be submitted electronically through Cadmus KnowledgeWorks; to ensure compliance with Cadmus' requirements, the figures must pass the presubmission tests of Cadmus' professional communication's software, RapidInspector, which is available from the RapidInspector Web site: http://rapidinspector.cadmus.com/o5/index.jsp (accessed July 3, 2005).

Sources: http://www.jneurosci.org/ and http://cadmusknowledgeworks.com/da/index.asp
Accessed July 3, 2005

Nature Neuroscience (Nature)

Figure formats: TIFF, EPS, or PS from PC or Macintosh (PowerPoint files not accepted)
Image size
  one column: not specified
  two columns: not specified
Resolution and color space
  color: 300 dpi, CMYK
  grayscale: 600 dpi
  line art: 1,200 dpi
Notes: avoid scanning laser printouts (tend to produce moire pattern on printing); no figure labels on figures themselves (use filenames to identify figures and panels)

Source: http://www.nature.com/neuro/pdf/gta.pdf
Accessed June 26, 2005 (Source date: May 3, 2005)

Neurosurgical Review (Springer)

Figure formats: submit photographic prints
Image size
  one column: 8.6 cm
  one and one-half columns: 13.1 cm
  two columns: not specified; to leave space for side legend, restrict fig. to 13.1 cm
Resolution and color space
  color: submit photographic prints
  grayscale: submit photographic prints
  line art: submit prints or laser printed computer drawings
Notes: color print for journal cover 8x8 cm

Source: http://www.springer.com/
Accessed January 8, 2006 (Source date: not specified)

Psychopharmacology (Springer)

Figure formats: EPS for vector graphics, TIFF for halftones (raster graphics)
Image size
  one column: not specified
  two columns: not specified
Resolution and color space
  color: 300 dpi, RGB (8 bits per channel)
  grayscale: 300 dpi
  line art: scanned 800 dpi

Source: http://www.springer.com/
Accessed January 8, 2006 (Source date: not specified)


For the next step, go to stage 9: receive completed MS from copy editor.

URL for this page: http://www.HeathSciEdit.com/TESproc-pub-guidelines.htm
© 2003–2009 Timothy DeVinney. Page updated January 8, 2006.